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Because of the dryer warmer climate, it is common to dry your clothes outdoors on clothelines
Finding a house or apartment in Mexico is similar in more ways to the US and more affordable. In Mexico, it is common to find furnished apartments or houses to rent usually without an extra deposit.
For short term living less than 6 months, Airbnb and lofts are available in most of the states. Hotels are also more affordable but note that most accommodations called a hotel might be what is called a hacienda. Hacienda is more residential than what is expected from a typical hotel. On average a short term stay in an Airbnb would cost roughly USD $60 to $90 per week.
For mid to long term which is more than 6 months, you can rent an apartment or a house. Typically a rental of a furnished 2 bedroom house will be USD $900 - $1500.
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